Sunday, November 2, 2008

Score: Halloween Hair Color - 3; Me - 2

I scored with the bathtub (this tub is clean) and my clothes from that night (also de-pinkified); however, Rotten Red scored so far with my bathroom counter (almost clean but I keep finding more spots), two washclothes destroyed, and my bathroom floor, by far the worst casualty.

Please please please tell me what hope I have when pure bleach holds no power over the pinkness on my bathroom floor!! Anyone? I'm open to suggestions here.


  1. You're hilarious. Was the pink/red hair worth the trouble? I think it just may have been...

    What's so wrong with a pink floor? Pink is in. Embrace the mess and live with the pink.

  2. I love the pink as well, LOL.

    Speaking seriously, now...Honey, there must be some kind of stain remover stronger than bleach! Go to a store or supermarket and search slowly. Either that or ask an employee...

  3. Something stronger than bleach? Are we talking eye goggles and rubber gloves necessary? Military approved? I claimed I'd taken back the tub from the pink ... I might have claimed victory too soon. I saw dots in there today. Plus ... my inner shower curtain retains a spot after washing and my outer curtain *sigh* shrunk after washing *whimper*

    CURSES to the Rotten Red!!! CURSES!!

  4. Go to a paint store and I know they have this product in a small yellow tin jar that took out my 2yr. old daughter's Sharpie pen drawn apple out of our new coffee table. I can't remember the name, but the stuff works great.

    Or if you have some rubbing alcohol or finger nail polish remover, they might work.

  5. Mr. Clean's magic eraser is my friend.
